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About Daria


The Daria Book Club was established in Salt Lake City, Utah, on January 17, 1955. Daria means one who seeks knowledge.


The Daria book club members meet twice a month to study and discuss a chosen topic based on a book they have read. It is a learning group that reads widely and deeply across multiple genres of writing, explores past and current book selections.


The members endeavor to seek a deeper understanding of literature through thoughtful discussion. Presenters are selected in the spring of each year, and they, in consultation with Daria book club committee, select the books for the coming year.


Daria maintains an active membership of 55 members. Membership is by sponsorship of an active member. An established format for all Daria meetings is lunch followed by a short business meeting, a presentation and discussion of the scheduled book.


Presenters are often pleasantly surprised that the book club members do read the assigned book and have done research on the content and authors. Discussions are lively, illuminating and enjoyable. Since inception, Daria members have read more than 935 titles and have had more than 100 expert presenters lead their discussions.


As of 2023, we celebrate 68 years of continuous organization and purpose.

The members could not meet in person  when the country went into lockdown due to the global covid19 pandemic; however,  Daria members continued their book discussion meetings enthusiastically, electronically over zoom. By 2023 they were glad to resume the in person meetings.


We will meet at the

Office and Conference Center of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah

75  South 200 E SLC, UT

Click the following link to read about

Notes on the Library

 The next DARIA meeting is on

 Thursday, October 10, 2024

 We will be reading and discussing:

  the Book: Of Mice and Men

 By John Steinbeck



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Annual Membership Dues $60

In person Lunch Charges $38

Daria book club meets at

The New Venue 

75 South 200 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Parking  on premises, off stree and at St Marks.

Due to various reasons members will need to bring their own carry home containers.


Important Announcements

Lunch cancellation must be made in time. Otherwise, members will be billed for luncheon fees associated with the missed meeting. 
l lunch reservations are automatically made for active Daria members. 

All members must text the Reservations Chair,  by noon of the Thursday before the meeting day i.e., one week ahead of the meeting date. Dont forget to include your name.

ACTIVE Members: reservation is automatic; text regrets by Thursday 7 days before meeting.

INACTIVE Members: text to reserve by Thursday 7 days before meeting.


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